Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the life of this student nurse

I really have been seeing bit and pieces of who Jesus is lately in people around me. First and foremost- I see Him in my patients at the hospital. Talk about peace that surpasses all understanding, these people are going through so much physical and emotional crap- all of them in their 80's, and they praise God through it all. That blesses my socks off and makes my day. Patient after patient I had was exuding this peace to me, so I had to say something- so to my last patient on Friday before I went home- I told him how I could see Jesus in him, and that all the patients I've had have been christians I think, based on their bibles faithfully read at their bedsids, their pastors praying over them, and their constant sense of peace that affected me profoundly. He responding with a verse from his electronic bible: can't remember the verse but something about knowing who the christians are by the fruit/gifts in their life. I could have cried- and I should have hugged the man! I am so amazingly blessed.


L&D said...

Great post. Puts it all into perspective. Thanks for sharing.

Schierlings said...

Hey Keegan! It was sure fun to meet you the other night! I updated my Blog, check it out! I hope you are having a great week at school! :) Andrea