so my final day for nursing school is may 2nd 2008- that's soon! All I have to do is finish my last paper and continue to work 12 hour shifts full time for free (plus paying to work there- cause, hey, it's school). I got hired at the hospital I'm preceptoring at- so excited! Sounds like I will be working full-time (hopefully into a perm.. position right away). I will be looking to rent a place of my own- I've been living with friends of mine and their 2 little boys in a house with a nice yard and garden, the thought of moving to an apartment makes me a little sad cause I love living in a house, doing yard work, ect. Well, I will be helping out in the backyard at the house even after i move out cause i love it so much.
I have been trying to have somewhat of a life in between working full-time and writing papers and assignments. In the last 3 months I have been sick 3 times! I am currently getting over the flu (influenza- a bad combo for an asthmatic like me) despite having the flu shot :( Last month I had the stomach flu and then a cold.....and in jan I had a cold. I bought some vitamins to take but I hate taking pills- I really feel for patients a the hospital who have a hard time choking down those pills- especially those horse pill sized antibioitics and multvitamins- seriously can they BE any bigger.
I also joined the chilliwack hiking club and did a 5 1/2 hr snow shoe trek up windy joe in manning park. It was a beautiful day- sun shining, then showing, then sun, at the top it was foggy and snowing so not much of a view but an awesome accomplishment to have made it to the top- it was my first "hike" of the season. I'd like to do more tennis this spring and summer- last summer I couldn't do much with my foot surgery.
So- anyone have any ideas about how I celebrate finishing 4 yrs of nursing school?? My class is going out for dinner and dancing on may 2nd should be fun- I hope to bring my twin sis- Jennica, it's fun to play tricks on my class mates and have her pretend to be me- it gets most of them everytime!
I write my RN exam on june 4th in surrey, so do pray for me on that day- I will be prepared and do lots of studying but I don't feel too anxious at this point besides the fact it's an 8 hr exam (lunch break after 4 hrs) and it's all multiple choice.....good and bad but hey I'll take it. It the last hoop I'll have to jump through for now.
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