I was up at 530 am for this trek. Today I drove Joel's car so I was a little nervous but at the same time feeling free to go to some places I planned to see. After dropping Joel at work i headed south I-25 down to Colorado Springs - took me 1 hr and 45 mins to get to Garden of the gods.
GOTG- beautiful- tons of acres filled with the red-colored rock in huge mountains and small works of natural art- and it's not even man-made! There was lots of birds out, the parking lot had only 2 vehicles parked as it was 845 am when I arrived.
There were lots of pigeons that lives in these rock crevasses, they're the only bird of the recognized species that sticks around for the winter. Most ppl consider this a very common, nothing special kind of bird, however, it makes the most curious sounds that draws you to it. Ppl would stop in their tracks to find out where this sound was coming from, and when they discovered it was "just a pigeon" they were disappointed. One woman said "oh, that's too bad" on finding out it was a pigeon, not some exotic colorado bird....I am thinking this can apply to us as people how feel in God's presence, in His great expanse that we are simply a little pigeon that doesn't belong here (in God's presence), and we live like this rather than as sons and daughters of the Most High. Romans 8:14-17
Next stop was Mannitou springs, the visitor info guy loaded me up with pamphets and he wanted me to stay for a week- I told him I only had one day....Well I went to most of the springs and tasted the mountain mineral waters- they called "healing water" it's full of calcium, magnesium, lithium, ect and many other useful minerals. And drinking the water was free! I'd like to see a study of the people of Mannitou springs that daily consume this water to see if their healthier than most of us. I'd be curious to see if there was a difference. The water tasted like perrier water. I had some locally-made ice cream and then headed back to drive through old Colorado City.
From there I went to Cave of the winds, paid 19 dollars to have a tour of the underground caves, it was 45 mins, very entertaining and interested on the part of our tour guide. There was a couple of screaming toddlers (really who brings their little kids to caves- I'd have night mares for life!) I got my pic taken down there it's really cool.
Last stop was Focus on the Family headquarters- within 5 minutes I'd met Jim Daley, president of FOTF- and I had no clue who he was I was chatting with him cause he was doing a book signing and I had a lengthly conversation with him about chocolate and how I really feel about it...ahhhh I'm glad I had no idea who he was, it was better than way:) I had a tour of the facility and I was the only one on the tour but some ppl joined us later as Dr.James Dobson was in his studio broadcasting live- I took a pic and waved at him- just for you Mom and Dad...oh and the best part was seeing "Whit's end" full of these imagination rooms, one them was the lion, the witch and the wardrobe room complete with the wardrobe with a fur coat, leading into a little room representing Narnia- so magical as I sat and listened to the radio broadcast of the story by CS Lewis. Oh and I stopped by the soda shop too-
When I have kids I am bringing them here we could spend hours of fun here!